I’ve enjoyed many runs in the warm and arid state of Arizona. Like all the others, a recent outing in Tucson didn’t disappoint. I’m fond of all land forms, mountains, coasts, plains and forests; however, I have a particular affinity towards deserts. For me, nothing compares to the rugged landscapes of the desert. Early mornings and evenings come with a cool breeze that invigorates. In desert valleys, like Tucson, the sun blazes its way across the horizon painting the encircling mountains in hues of blue, orange and gold. Truly a sight to behold.
On this run I gazed upon the sunrise, thinking of how spiritually profound the daily event is. I was so busy looking up and contemplating that I didn’t notice another runner low down on the path. I crossed paths with a coyote on the move. Fortunately, he had no interest in me and the two of us keep going in opposite directions.
I returned to the hotel, along the way enjoying birds announcing day’s first light, marketers busily setting up a swap meet, stray dogs frolicking in a dry creek bed, and a band of wayward folks cooking breakfast on a barbeque grill under a bridge. Feeling completely emotionally, physically, spiritually fulfilled from the fifty minutes of cardio exercise, I cleaned up and joined my family for the day’s cadre of tourist activities. We headed off to the Bread & Butter CafĂ© for a hearty Southwest breakfast and then on to the tourism Mecca of Tombstone.
What more could a guy want in life?