In graduate school I didn’t fully understand the power of
reflection. It took me much too long to get on board with the concept. For me,
blogging is more reflection than reporting or sharing. Over the years I’ve posted
serious reflections at unscheduled times following the death of a friend or
family member, as well as more traditional times like birthdays, anniversaries
and the end of the year. I’ve come to appreciate how reflections can help guide
my path and steer me clear of deep holes on the journey ahead.
Today, I took out my calendar and looked back over 2016. Once
again, I had a magnificent year personally and professionally. We explored with
a fair amount of domestic and international travel, highlights being visits to
Ireland and two trips to the west coast. As always, we spent many weekend
get-a-ways visiting cities in Georgia and around the south. We toured museums
and other interesting sites near and far.
Professionally, it was a record year to be involved in
academic lectures and I was honored to curate two displays in February. The
first was the After Malcom Digital
Exhibit: Islam and the Freedom Struggle at National Center for Civil and
Human Rights. The other was the display of the only full-size replica of the Bayeux
Tapestry on the North Metro Campus of Chattahoochee Technical College.
Otherwise, I took on leadership roles at the College in the areas of Online
Teaching and Learning Innovation and Open Educational Resources.
It was fun to run a few road races this year, including my
failed attempt to complete the Triple Peach. Lastly, I posted a great deal of
varied material on my website,
In January of this year I posted this as part of my
reflection blog: “While visiting Costa Rica a fellow mentioned a popular
phrase, ‘Pura Vida.’ It means pure life. In context the man said the phrase
means, getting the fullest out of life. I like it. Pura Vida is my theme for
2016. In all that I do, I’ll strive for Pura Vida.”
Pura Vida
absolutely describes my 2016. I am deeply grateful for that reality. I strive
for greater heights in 2017.
Live Well. Live to the Fullest. Run.