Greetings! I broke the rule. Not the Golden Rule, but close. Rule number one in blogging, according to experts Duane Forrester and Gavin Powell, is to never ever go more than a week without posting. I stand guilty. I have sinned against devoted bloggers, faithful readers and the ever present cyber gods. Thus I throw myself on the mercy of the Internet.
As I prepared to launch into online chronicling of The Streak I considered the numerous and interesting events that happen on the road. With that in mind and after reading Forrester and Powell I began dropping monumental hints until my lovely wife gave me a very early birthday gift of a nifty high powered Netbook.
I took said portable computer with me for our annual winter vacation. The Streak did not disappoint. Like all the other out of town runs, I encountered intriguing people and sublime landscapes. From Baja California to the end of land in the Mexican Riviera wireless access was available through which to share these adventures with you, but at a cost.
Hence the dilemma and my lack of posting for more than a week. I have two defining constants in my life. One is the nearly 13 year old Streak, where I exercise every day. The second, I despise spending money. I make no apology for my frugality, but I do hope the cyber gods, Forrester, Powell and you will forgive my grievous transgression.
I did have a pen and paper at my disposal with absolutely no hidden fees. I wrote volumes on my journey. I plan to upload a blog along with photos every other day for a while. Hopefully this indulgence will spare me more severe penance.
Until next time read, write and exercise.
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