You've been so kind and generous
I don't know how you keep on giving
For your kindness I'm in debt to you
For your selflessness my admiration
For everything you've done you know
I'm bound to thank you for it
The above lyrics come from Natalie Merchant’s song Kind and Generous. My ego never prevents me from admitting someone else can say things better than I can. Shannan and I participated in the Win the Fight Against Cancer 5K to raise money for the Winship Cancer Center. Thanks to many of you we doubled our goal and raised $1000. For that, I am deeply grateful.
Shannan’s mother, Helen, receives treatment at Winship and that led the way for us to get involved. It was a beautiful morning for a road race. The course took runners through Emory’s campus and lovely Druid Hills neighborhoods. I hadn’t planned on running as well as I did that morning, nor did I plan on the wave of emotions I experienced.
Like Shannan, I was basically raised on the Emory Campus. That place has greatly formed the man I am today. I probably never would have stepped foot on the campus had it not been for Jackie, my mother. She worked in the Anatomy Department of Emory's medical school most of my life. It was her employment that made it possible for me to attend Emory. It was also at Emory where she, too, received treatment for cancer. This weighed heavy on my mind as I ran. I ran faster than I have in years.
As I reflect on that day and Ms. Merchant’s lyrics I’m humbled. As beautiful and powerful as her words are, I don’t know if even they can get at my sense of gratitude for my mother, the life that she made possible for me, for the opportunity to take part in the Winship 5K, for Helen and for all the wonderful people committed to standing up and standing together against cancer.
Life is good. The human race is better.
Thank you.
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