Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Awake in Albuequerque

Raised in a fundamental Baptist Church, in the south might I add, I've been socialized to watch for a Road to Damascus experience. Educated in a liberal arts college and theology school I admit that I often muse about a spiritual awakening. Given Shannan and I travel a fair amount it seems logical, or perhaps hopeful, that revelation, if any, would come outside of our normal place and patterns. We visit to the Southwest regularly, the romantic notion of being in the desert and having a defining moment has great appeal to me.

My long awaited epiphany arrived in Albuquerque. Seven years ago we enjoyed a week long trip in New Mexico. I had a theoretical eye-opening in the natural history museum on that trip. Today's realization was not very poetic. I couldn't sleep due to excruciating pain in my lower back. Never before had I so clearly understood the impact exercise in my life. We all know back injuries are not to be taken lightly.

A serious injury to the back can very well end the type of exercise I enjoy most, running. Back surgery would destroy the personal and professional plans I have for the year. The Streak is far more than weight management and a means of promoting wellness, after 15 years, it has become a defining element in my life. To miss a day would be one thing, but to lose exercise altogether, well it's that very thought that has me writing at 3:00 AM rather than running in the desert.

We all have things that matter, perhaps petty to others, but profound to us. Exercise is that thing for me. Find your thing and enjoy it.


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